Thursday, July 31, 2008

Urbanization, Hepatitis, Power Rangers, & American Idol: How to Spice Up Your Life

I appreciate all feedback received on my last blog post. Unfortunately, pencils are considered obsolete around this office, I have little interest in TV (especially without TV reception), and you couldn't pay me to read celebrity gossip. :-) As for the haikus, I think that is a hilarious idea...unfortunately, any department-wide e-mails have to be pre-approved, and I don't see that going over very well. However, I have been spending a little more time on Wikipedia checking out demographics for different areas people call in from. One of our biggest clients is the City of Tempe (AZ), a suburb of Phoenix. That area defines urban sprawl. I could not imagine why anyone would want to live in an urban the desert, mind you. Last night I saw a program on my friend's TV where they were in Phoenix and it was 105 degrees! Sheesh! But I digress.

Even in just the last week, I think I'm making a little bit of progress as far as being content in the here and now, but also in making real effort to make my life a little less monotonous.

Today my office is hosting a blood drive, for which I signed up to participate in. This is a big deal, as in 2002 I had a very negative experience attempting to donate blood. Now that I'm a water-holic, I figured it was safe to try again. Unfortunately, I had to open my big mouth and tell them I had hepatitis 12 years ago. Then I couldn't remember what type it was - it was in 7th grade, and hepatitis is hepatitis when you're vomiting non-stop. I would have to go to extremes that are not worth going to in order to determine what type of hepatitis I had whilst puking during several episodes of Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers. Then, off all things...not even my own mother remembers me having hepatits!

Finally, I have a friend who is a local youth pastor and aspiring musician, who has responded to a double-dog dare from his youth to audition for American Idol next week at Kemper Arena in Kansas City. In response to this dare, he then suckered me into auditioning as well. So, on August 7th & 8th, I will be taking some paid vacation time to audition for the next American Idol. If anyone needs me at some point after that, you can find me at the top. :-)


TenaciousT said...

wow, your description of Tempe is the exact description of Ft. Worth, TX, where it is not uncommon to hit 105 (we have several times this week, im sure) and the city of Ft. Worth is just as big as the county it's in. But we love it here and can't imagine living anywhere else. So I guess to each its own. oh, and winters are amazing.

Good luck on Idol!! I hope you blog about your experience.

Cary said...

good to know. i enjoy many artists that wouldn't be approved of by conservative Christians.

Life is confusing about stuff like that. Should I completely reject anything but Christian-based things? Or, is there a little bit of God in all real, sincere artistic expression?

regardless, i'm excited to hear about your idol tryouts and more about your life in genearl. i'll drop you an update here pretty soon.

today, i'm going to my new school to recieve teaching curriculum, textbooks, and novels we will be working on. I'm very excited about it.

have a blessed day my friend.

Joel said...

drunk? no! ..maybe.
but haven't you ever seen old greg?

oh and speaking of tempe, az; there's this sweet church there called the faithful word baptist church. the pastor puts clips of his sermons on youtube. you should check it out sometime. i think his username is sanderson1611. he's got tons of them. watch them. now.