Thursday, July 24, 2008

Things To Do

The nature of my job is often pretty busy and ongoing. However, I would say that about 25% of the time, there are no incoming calls, and nothing to be followed up on. During that time...well, let's just say I can only check e-mail/facebook/blog/etc. so many times, considering the low volume of correspondence I receive. So to the few of you who actually read my blog, I am opening up the floor to new & exciting ideas for filling up my free time! Go!


Joel said...

building a fence made out of pencils.

TenaciousT said...

well my go-to sites are similar: facebook, blogspot, etc. But I also like to visit websites like TVGuide, EW, etc. because of how much I love tv. generally speaking, a basic site like msn is a good website just cause it covers so much and clicking on one thing will lead you to another, etc. if you can watch videos, jon stewart and conan post all their shows online. hope thats a good start.

Cary said...

let's see...there are lots of things you could do.
i started writing haiku poetry and e-mailing it to co-workers who wouldn't think I was an absolute freak. Of course, I wasn't serious about it...most of them were about refilling the ATM or crazy customers or various banking programs that were awful to use. I also wrote stories and e-mailed them to myself to save them.

I went to the bathroom a lot. SOmetimes i would just splash water on my face, text someone on my phone, and then leave.

Hmmm...I would go to Wikipedia and research topics that interested me. That was pretty fun b/c I ended up learning a lot of stuff. However, we weren't supposed to be on the Internet, so I would log on when I wasn't at work and then e-mail myself the Wikipedia articles, copied and pasted onto an e-mail.

hope this helps man!