I show that nobody has updated in a few days...myself included. Now that I'm back into blogging purely for the sake of writing (and not for attention or popularity), I hope this "community" among friends does not die off so quickly this time around.
This last 4th of July weekend I had a last-minute opportunity to go down to the lake in N.E. Oklahoma for a day of water skiing and baking in the sun. When I wasn't wiping out on the water, I had a little bit of time to reflect on "Independence Day".
As I'm sure many would agree, when I think of the 4th of July, I think of a nation with not only innumerable resources, but innumerable freedoms to use those however they wish. I think of meat being cooked, games being played, TV's being watched, bodies of water being occupied, and resources being hoarded. My conclusion:
We. Are. Spoiled.
I think of how the Lord designated the Israelites as his chosen people. I think of how in spite of their sin & rebellion, He continued to bestow His blessing upon them (for a time). Because they continued in their wicked ways despite God's favor, He extended the "blessing" to a new group of people, not limited to locale or nationality; this was based on one thing: Jesus. Because of Jesus, we, the church, are now those chosen people. We are the ones experiencing God's favor, whether it feels like it or not.
Unfortunately, the parallels line up all too well, as we are also Israel - walking in the same sin, partaking in the same rebellion. In my own opinion, America is the worst example; I don't say this because we are the most hateful or violent nation, but because we are the most blessed, blind to Whom the blessings come from, and yet as a majority we are purely driven by a word called "me". We take everything we're given and continue to take advantage in a very self-destructive way.
I am grieved by this.
This is a time in my life where I have a list of unanswered questions for God which will likely remain unanswered in this lifetime. Add to the list: Why America? Why do You continue to bless us so (especially we who call ourselves followers of Jesus) when we are blatantly living in rebellion? I truly believe a day will come when we are one of many persecuted third-world nations...but why have we made it this long so far?
To the church, I offer this challenge: go against the norm. Break free of this stereotype. In everything we say and do, let us ask ourselves how this reflects the heart of Christ. Are we making a sincere effort to bring glory to our Creator in even the little things? Are we using our "stuff" we've been given to truly bless others (and in doing so, bless the Lord)?
I'm afraid to give an honest answer for myself. However, today, let us be spurred on toward Godliness.
I think you have a lot of good points here. We do live in a very "me" time, and we are all guilty of it. And I agree that is is time for those of us who recognize it to stand up and start living out loud instead of hoping things will just pass over us. Nice work.
Great point sir Simothy. I think you are all too right in oh so many ways. I hope you're not fried like a lobster my wise friend. Love you. pax.
I think you would really like my pastor's sermon last Sunday. He said a lot of the same points. Check out the online sermon: http://www.southcliff.com/?page_id=11
It was really convicting.
hey dawg! sorry it's been awhile. no Internet yet here in CO!
great post! you captured some of the thoughts that were bouncing around in my head and put them on here. that's tight.
hope you're well my friend. i'll write more when i get an extended chance.
word out!
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