Monday, June 9, 2008

Starting Over?

It's been a long time since I've been able to write a serious blog of any sort, and today is no exception. However, today I was greatly encouraged to learn that some of my former Xanga buddies are making a return to the Blogosphere. In addition to expressing my own self through writing, I love to read the words of others, especially those I have the pleasure of knowing personally.

I also just realized that I'm only stating the obvious...or moreso, the redundant. Nevertheless, consider this my public statement of my intention to begin writing regularly again. My creative side and I have been apart for quite some time, and my soul longs to be reunited with this, its other half.

P.S. To clear up confusion (Cary & Joel), I actually re-titled my blog so that it now reads "A Life-Related Blog". I'm not far into my new job, but something tells me that health insurance is not very blog-worthy.


deliveredjude said...

I'm glad to rejoin you in the blogging world friend. I'm glad training is nearing an end for you. Hang in there you beastly beast (in a very positive way, of course)!!

Cary said...

sometimes the most redundant posts are the ones that people need to read the most.
your first paragraph about why you enjoy writing on voiced what I was unable to in that e-mail that I sent to everyone.
Kudos, man!