Wednesday, June 25, 2008


I feel that part of my hesitation for writing full-out blog posts is due to feeling a need to impress you. The other day I was meditating on this and came to a very profound conclusion: it's not going to least, not today. There have been no recent events significant enough to measure up to these expectations which I set for myself. (Actually, that's not true at all. However, I don't feel I have any significant events that are appropriate to write about.)

With that being said, I give you...the mundane. Currently I am sitting in my very own private cubicle. Things are mostly silent, it seems. This is good. While I don't feel my job truly fits under the category of "stressful", I have been experiencing a natural stress over learning the ropes of my position and talking with providers' offices, pretending like I have experience working with health insurance. This has been one of the most calming moments I've experienced in the last 2 weeks I've been "on my own". No calls are coming in. No matters need to be followed up on. No faxes need to be forwarded on. Nobody needs me to send them a copy of everything. There is no work to be done. This is great.

For our callers who don't like to remain on hold, they have the option of being transferred to a general voicemail for the entire queue. The responsibility to check these voicemails has fallen on another one of our reps, who just left for vacation. In an attempt to make myself look good to my supervisors, I volunteered to help keep up with these voicemails. Fortunately, there have been no messages for me to return. :-)

However, I did receive the call from hell today. A New Yawker (Yorker) from a dentist's office started throwing out all these procedure codes (which I advised to her I could not look up) and terminology even my supervisors have never heard of before. I was probably on the phone with her for upwards of 30 minutes. When I finished with the call, I literally threw my headset against the wall of my cubicle. My boss laughed. But hey...perhaps my job would be obsolete if other people did their jobs, eh? Who am I to complain? If this is the worst story I have so far, then I certainly have no desire to do so.

In other news, I will be meeting a Mr. J. (and I think a Mrs. J?) in Lee's Summit for dinner next week. He's a decent enough fellow that I'm even willing to meet him in Lee's Summit. Grrr, I hate that stupid town! I'm so glad I don't live or work there anymore. Kansas rules!


Cary said...

Nice. Good reading man. If we didn't have the mundane, we wouldn't know what was great. Or so I'm told.

It will be just the boys for the hang-out on Monday. I'd prefer it that way so we can really talk. Y'know how it is when girls that jazz.

Looking forward to it!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you found me. I look forward to your posting future as well. i need to update soon i think though...

Cary said...

hey man!
it was great hanging out yesterday.
just sayin'.

Hope you're well man and that God takes you some crazy places soon. Crazy as in good, not as in painful growth.

word out!